Accelerate the circular economy in Japan

WHY: The world is shifting towards a circular economy

The shift towards a circular economy is needed in today’s world facing diverse global challenges such as climate change, plastic pollution, gender gap, and inequality. In contrast to the conventional linear economy, which results in mass production, consumption, and waste, a circular economy aims to create a more sustainable, resilient system that decouples environmental impact with economic growth while achieving social equality. In Japan, however, there is a lack of information on the latest trends regarding a global circular economy.

HOW: Creating a platform for professionals

We decided to launch a platform where users can access all the information from basic knowledge to deep insights about the circular economy. This platform also aims to facilitate collaborations among users who want to lead a circular transition in Japan. By delivering a space for innovation and partnership, we want to accelerate Japan’s shift towards a circular economy.

WHAT: What is Circular Economy Hub?

Circular Economy Hub is an online platform that covers the latest circular economy trends worldwide. The content includes case studies, insights, events, networking, and business matching services. We also help businesses and cities develop and implement a circular economy strategy.

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Circular Economy Hub begins content partnership with GreenBiz to provide global advanced knowledge in Japanese

  • On May 17, 2022
Harch manages web media businesses with the concept of “Publishing a better future.” Circular Economy Hub, our specialized platform on the circular economy (*), has entered a content partnership with GreenBiz, a major sustainability media company located in California in the United States. The aim of this partnership is to expand highly specialized content related […]
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Circular Economy Hub and REVOLVE Circular released Japanese version of global survey initiative “Imagine Circularity”

  • On Mar 25, 2022
Circular Economy Hub is pleased to announce an official partnership with REVOLVE Circular (Viena, Austria, CEO: Sören Bauer), a non-profit organization that works to raise awareness on the circular economy with constructive journalism. In the official partnership, Circular Economy Hub participates in the world’s first global circular economy perception survey “Imagine Circularity.” On March 15, […]
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