Latest Data on Sustainability


We aim to realize a better future for everyone involved with Harch and for the Earth by encouraging individuals and society to change their behavior through our media, content production, and other businesses. We have set the number of articles distributed and the number of unique users (UU) as indicators to confirm how much quality information we have been able to disseminate and how many people we have been able to influence through it.

FY2021 FY2022
Number of articles distributed per year 7,604 articles 5,225 articles
Total number of UUs in a year 20,050,113 18,607,585


In order to realize a society where everyone can live true to themselves, we have set the following items as indicators, with “diversity” and “connection” as key themes.

FY2021 FY2022
Number of employees 31 members 35 members
Gender ratio male 25% / female 75% male 34% / female 66%
Age structure 20’s : 35%, 30’s:52%, 40’s:13% 20’s : 43%, 30’s:37%, 40’s:20%
Percentage of employees who mainly work remotely 100% 100%
Employees who have taken parental leave 1 member 4 members
Employee satisfaction rate 80% 76%
Number of partners *1 234 210
Partner satisfaction rate 92% 90%

*1 Number of individuals, companies, and organizations that we paid in each fiscal year.


In terms of the environment, our key themes are “zero carbon” and “zero waste,” and we have achieved a 100% energy reuse rate in the fiscal year 2020. In the future, we will further aim to regenerate the environment through our business.

FY2021 FY2022
Total CO2 (Scope 1+2) emissions (t-CO2) 4.1 t 4.7 t
Scope 1 0 t 0 t
Scope 2 4.1 t 4.7 t
Scope 3 *2 26.8 t 36.9 t
Total energy consumption *3 9338 kWh 10,579.87 kWh
Renewable energy conversion rate 100%(Achieved by purchasing J-credits) 100%(Achieved by purchasing J-credits)
Percentage of employees using renewable energy subsidies 22% 18%
Amount of waste generated 21.4 kg 17.9 kg

*2 Subjects to the calculation are Category 1 “Products and services purchased,” Category 6 “business trip,” and Category 7 “Employer commuting.” From fiscal 2021, we count the electricity consumed during working hours at home, which is our main place of work, as Category 7 of Scope 3.
*3 Since both Tokyo and Yokohama offices do not have individual electricity contracts, electricity consumption is calculated by dividing the electricity consumption of the entire building by the area ratio.


We are implementing a UU Fund, which donates money based on the number of accesses to each web media, to automatically create an environmental, social, and economic cycle as our business grows.

FY2021 FY2022
Amount of UU Fund donations *4 2,236,674 yen 1,847,582 yen
Number of recipient organizations 38 organizations 37 organizations

*4 Donations are calculated based on the number of UUs from January 1 to December 31 in each year.

*The data on this page are the results for the one-year period from July 1 to June 30, or the figures as of the last month of the fiscal year. The most recent results of the fiscal year are shown for the questionnaire results.